The number of creative people who have passed away this year is immense. Musicians, actors, writers.

When such a wealth of creativity dies, the world can easily become unbalanced. We need creative spirits in the world. We need those who nurture and nourish the world.

Yes we also need the left-brained people – the logic and science in order to have our existence in this material world. But without the creatives, the world becomes duller. And with them, the world achieves balance.

George Michael passed away on Christmas Day and the day after, on Boxing Day, I was inspired to sit at my desk and write. I felt the urge with his passing to not waste my talent, to not waste my ideas, to not waste my creativity. I hadn’t necessarily thought of him as an inspiration in my life. Yes I had the Wham posters on my teenage walls; yes I somehow know all the lyrics to his songs. His passing, however, ignited the flame within me which I needed to commit to my writing life. So yes indeed he has become an inspiration in my life.

I know similar has happened to others. The passing of childhood and teenage favourites has made them promise to live deeper, live brighter and shine their lights as their heroes shone theirs.

Prince, David Bowie, Caroline Aherne, Harper Lee, Carrie Fisher and all the other beautiful souls who passed, continue to inspire while they are in spirit. They help us find our creative voices, they help us commit to a creative life.


creating via ink & paint

So dear Soul, what will you create this coming year? How will you allow your creative spirit to be heard? What has inspired you from the creative souls who have passed this year?

NOW is definitely the time for your creative voice to be heard and for all of us to create more.

Much love, Bx