Your Luminous Self program
Five months of Deep Learning & Reflection.
In previous years, I have focused this program on healers and creatives, but for 2024 I am welcoming you in if your role is giving in some way – either professionally or personally. If you are finding that it is difficult for you to see your light, then it is your time to receive.
The soul-work is deep, it is profound, it will change you.
You have a deep, meaningful purpose of life – let me guide you in healing practices which nurture you to lead the life you are called to do. This program creates a sacred, safe container for you to start healing (healing not meaning cure, but meaning deep ease and release), to start fully appreciating and loving your soul’s journey, and to move forward with your soul-work.
Are you willing? Are you ready to move into your luminous self?
This program was previously named ‘Heal Thyself’ and loved by many. I have added new insights to the program, which is now renamed as ‘Your Luminous Self’.
I cherish this program. I speak to hundreds of people each week and your supporting me, is also supporting them. I am called to be a Healer, but I often feel how can I help others heal when I haven’t healed myself? I don’t share this with anyone, because I am afraid that they will not value my services and I often feel like a BIG imposter.
Lately I have noticed things getting better and my morning pages are not as anxious. The benefits of this course are boundless. Thank you for your work, for your love and for your willingness to share your story.
Come and join me
Are you feeling judged, frustrated, alone in your work, scared to put your creative work out into the world, and fearing burnout?
This program will be ideal for you.
The frustration, the fear, the judgement, the toxic positivity within the healing community – how can you heal others when you cannot heal yourself?
Well let me tell you what I have learned along the way – We teach what we ourselves need to learn in this world, dearest soul… and you are in the right place to learn the tools to help you progress in your healing and creative career.
The content is very rich and there are a lot of takeaways, plus it feel like you’re in the room! The Soul Healing meditations were beautiful – one of my favourite parts. It’s great that you can make meditation like this work over the interwebs.
Your Luminous Self
A five-month program for you:
- Connection with other wonderful souls – a maximum of 10 participants in the program.
- Support as you put yourself out there in the world with your soul-work.
- Tools and guidance to help you do the work you are here to do.
Vitality Section
- A module full of reflection on your vital self
- Mentoring call on what being in your vital self looks like for you – physically, emotionally and spiritually.
- Soul Healing meditation accessing those deeper parts of you for additional insights.
Being Heard Section
- This module is focused on how you are being heard – by yourself and by others.
- Mentoring call on being heard and ways to do this, including connection to the throat chakra.
- Soul Healing meditation to gain insights from your inner self on how you can be heard.
Authentic You Section
- A module focused on moving into the world as your authentic self in your healing work.
- Mentoring call on what your authentic self feels like for you.
- Soul Healing meditation to uncover what your soul says around your authentic self.
The 5 month program includes 2 pause & reflect sections, so you can bring the learning and healing a little deeper into yourself.
Let this be the start of a new way of life.
Bindi has helped me to see that my healing challenge isn’t simply a challenge or a nuisance, but actually a treasure map that has led me more fully into who I am and who I want to be in the world. The work is deep, and healing happens on every level.
Do you help and nurture others?
Your Luminous Self program is for you.
You have a deep, meaningful purpose – let me guide you
…beautiful healer and wise soul…
What is included:
Group Mentoring call where we discuss the theme of the module, with prompts to help your reflection.
Soul Healing Meditation to access the deep, soul parts of you. It is this deep part of you which holds the guidance you need. The Soul Healing meditation is often the most profound part of the course and can lead to a deep healing of the past.
Private online space for sharing insights between calls and for greater connection.
Workbook with writing prompts and to record your reflection and insights.
Dates for our sessions:
Opening Circle: Wednesday 20th March 6-7.30pm UK (GMT)
Vitality Section:
Learn & Meditation Session: Wednesday 27th March 6-7.30pm UK (GMT); Soul Healing Session: Wednesday 3rd April 6-7.30pm UK (BST)
Let’s pause to reflect: Study Session: Wednesday 24th April 6-7pm UK (BST)
Being Heard Section:
Learn & Meditation Session: Wednesday 1st May 6-7.30pm UK (BST); Soul Healing Session: Wednesday 15th May 6-7.30pm UK (BST)
Let’s pause to reflect: Study Sessions: Wednesday 29th May 6-7pm UK (BST) & Wednesday 26th June 6-7pm UK (BST)
Authentic You Section:
Learn & Meditation Session: Wednesday 3rd July 6-7.30pm UK (BST); Soul Healing Session: Wednesday 17th July 6-7.30pm UK (BST)
Study Session: Wednesday 31st July 6-7pm UK (BST)
Closing Circle: Wednesday 7th August 6-7.30pm UK (BST)
£470 for 5 months of Your Luminous Self: 3 group mentoring calls, 3 soul healing meditations, 4 study sessions, reflection workbook full of prompts to guide you, private online space for connection between calls, opening and closing ceremony calls – 12 live calls in total (all recorded if you can’t make them).
£370 early bird payment by 21st February 2024.
I went in without expectation and got way more than I imagined possible. The changes and insights have been deep and meaningful, yet subtle and smooth, very natural. I believe part of that is the safety, compassion, wisdom and firm guidance you offer. You have such a clarity and openness, and your gentle and ongoing encouragements helped me feel ok when I needed space to process or wasn’t quite sure. Your trust in me wherever I was at and whatever I was experiencing helped me let go and let happen and notice. It was transformative for me.
Do you have questions?
Or would you like a 1:1 chat about the program?