So I have done it! I have ended physical classes in Saltdean and have started on my next phase of writing my book and moving deeper inwards. If you have been following me for a while, you will know that I made this decision 6 months ago and have had a period of transition for myself and my students. Last week was the final week of classes and I have had some reflection time since then and would love to share these with you.

…the meditation space set up for the last time…

I had gone into the week with a wonder of what would unfold. There had already been a few tears in the previous weeks and I was expecting some emotion – both from students and myself. I made sure that I had not over-scheduled myself and I was not going to be spending time on a lot of admin. I knew that I would need extra rest time during the week and between classes.

The meditation theme for the final week was ‘honouring ourselves‘. I wanted my students to truly honour themselves and their journey into inner-awareness. For some of them, these meditation classes were the first time they had started to listen to their inner-selves. The first time they appreciated their inner-self and that there was more to them than just the physical self.

I asked them to honour this start of their journey to inner-awareness and the courage it took to begin it. I honoured them for their trust in me as their teacher and the imparter of knowledge. I honoured and celebrated their ability to continue with this journey now that they had grown strong roots. AND they do have extra strong roots, as grounding is something I do at the end of each lesson.

As they meditated, I connected to each of them and thanked them for everything they had bought into the meditation space and the classes. I celebrated their journey and also the opportunity it had given me to learn deeper lessons through the relationships I had built with them. As I reflected on the students and how far they had come, I wished them well for the continuation of their inner-awareness journey. It was a beautiful theme and exactly what I needed to end the classes with.

In giving myself extra rest and recuperation time between classes, I was able to hold the space especially well for the last week and any extra emotions which may come up. The last week was the final transition from the physical, guided classes to their own home practice or to another class and teacher. It was very important to me that they felt held and strong enough to continue their practice without me guiding them physically. I feel that this happened beautifully and each student gained what they needed to from the loving space.

The week went so smoothly…

The ending of the classes was perfect and beautiful. Students commented on how it felt ‘right’ and also that it didn’t feel like the end, but rather the beginning.

I ended the week with the Gratitude Circle which was on the day of the Black Moon. The second new moon in a solar month is called a black moon and is rare. It magnifies what is planted at the time. This means that when you set your intentions on a black moon, you take special thought and make yourself clearer about what you want to bring in. The black moon is also a time of final endings and new beginnings. What an ideal and magical way to end the physical classes on the black moon. The timing was definitely right!

…I am forever grateful for YOU for witnessing my journey and transformation as I take my next steps…

Finally I brought myself to gratitude and how grateful I was at how wonderfully the week had gone.

I am grateful that I could be a part of my students’ journeys into meditation…

I am grateful for my transformation…

…and I am grateful for the writing time to come.

So dear soul, what endings are you experiencing at this time? Can you use some of my reflections to help you in your own process?

Endings are often difficult, but with a clear gentle approach, you can make the ending easier on yourself. A beautiful, good ending is what you deserve.

With much love,

Bindi x