Connection is one of my values. I love connecting with people, with the environment, with nature, with energy. It is the value which allows me to be of service to the world as I connect to my students and clients.
However I don’t think I realised how deep my need for connection actually is, until a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been part of a business mastermind for a few months now and our business strategist, Kiala Givehand (you may remember me mentioning her in the Listening blog post) organised a trip to Barcelona. It was the first time I was meeting Kiala and the rest of the mastermind gals in person. Our previous meetings have been over the interwebs.
It was complete joy. It has taken me a few days of journalling and meditating on the experience to realise why it affected me so deeply. The time I spent getting to know these beautiful, wise souls over lunches, dinners, ice-cream and walking the streets of Barcelona, was magical.
It felt as though I had known them all my life.
My soul met theirs and expanded…
…and relaxed.
Ruth gave us insights on our astrological charts. Donna took my prints for a hand analysis. Josie shared her amazing photographs of Cuba with us. As well as the most enriching group mastermind with Kiala, we also had some individual time with her – she is a gift all by herself!
I can truly say I have never been so nurtured. These souls saw me, they held me. The connection ran so deep and made me realise the power of when souls truly connect.
SOUL CONNECTION – the knowing that our souls have met before. I can feel we have had many lifetimes together and I am looking forward to exploring this even more in the weeks and months to come.
We have all felt that pull of when we have just met someone and feel we have known them forever. It is the knowledge that on some level we truly have known each other for the whole of our lives.
We are old, wise souls having lived many lifetimes and the lessons we are here to learn are helped by souls we have previously known. Maybe we have set out in previous lifetimes what we want help with, and these souls have agreed to come and help us when we connect again on the physical plane. It is a wonderful feeling to know that there are souls out there who are helping us with our life experiences.
Over to you dear one… When have you experienced deep connection? Maybe it was with a soul… or with nature… or with an animal. There are no limits to connection. You receive as deep as you are willing to go.
With much love, Bx