Every month an opportunity comes up to plant some seeds for change. It is a time of renewal, a time to let in something different, a time of regrowth. This time in the month is called the NEW MOON. I love the symbolism of a new moon and also the energy around beginning something new.

…There is clear magic in a new moon…

The actual day of the new moon is called the Dark Moon. The terms new moon and dark moon are often used as the same thing. I like to think of the dark moon as the actual day when you see no moon. Yes the moon is there, but it is dark. The new moon for me is when it is just starting to appear and is a moon emerging.

The time of the dark moon for me is the time for preparing the ground for your seeds.

This to me is meditation and spiritual reading  – getting yourself to a place where you have positive energy, where the ground is strong for the seeds to be planted, where there is powerful, vibrational energy. Then when you are ready maybe that same day or the day after, you can start planting your seeds for that month.

What new habits will you form?

What are you going to create this month?

What is missing from your life, that you want to bring in?

You are starting to plan from your soul and starting to plant those seeds. The new moon is a powerful time and it really is a monthly opportunity for us – if we let it be. It is also easy to let this time go by unacknowledged, wasted, not utilised.

I hope that you will take advantage of this precious time of the month given to us by Mother Nature. Let me help you with the New Moon Wisdom e-mail sent each new moon to bring you some new knowledge and plant some seeds. Sign up here: New Moon Wisdom

Have a wonderful meditation this new moon and let me know how you get on with letting in the new.

Love, Bx