Hi I’m Bindi!
I’m a meditation guide, life coach, poet, healer and I listen deeply to my soul’s journey. Welcome to my blog posts on my learning through this thing called life!
Love, Bx
Spring Equinox
Spring is here and it is time to start planting your seeds. What plans and projects do you have which you could make a start on today? Bx ...life coach with...
Postcard Oracle Cards
In 2017 and 2018 I was one of the guest teachers on Pull, Pen, Paint - I taught a class on Soul Journalling which included a meditation on connecting to the soul and a Soul Healing oracle card spread. This blog post is about my creative idea of creating an oracle card...
Full Moon Letting Go
There is something very magical about the full moon ritual of letting go. If you have been following me or been to any of my classes, you will know that a big part of my work is 'letting go'. We hold onto too much energy of things which are no longer right for us...
a yearly card reading ritual – oracle or tarot
Have you seen my Word for the Year post from last year? It details how I have been setting an intention or theme to the year for a few years now and I do this instead of resolutions. It is a way to have focus for the year. Another yearly ritual I have been doing...
It’s time to CREATE
The number of creative people who have passed away this year is immense. Musicians, actors, writers. When such a wealth of creativity dies, the world can easily become unbalanced. We need creative spirits in the world. We need those who nurture and nourish the world....
A Solstice Ritual
For those of us in the northern hemisphere it is the winter solstice on 21st December. It is the shortest day of the year and a reminder that the dark nights are leaving us. From now the days will start becoming lighter again and we are reminded of our own LIGHT and...
Morning Light
The first morning light has become a precious time for me. The light which occurs just as day breaks. The sun starting to rise, the day in its infancy. This is the time when my mind is the clearest - unencumbered by the day. Nature converses with me via the...
The Power of Soul Connection
Connection is one of my values. I love connecting with people, with the environment, with nature, with energy. It is the value which allows me to be of service to the world as I connect to my students and clients. However I don't think I realised how deep my need for...
A Beautiful Ending…
So I have done it! I have ended physical classes in Saltdean and have started on my next phase of writing my book and moving deeper inwards. If you have been following me for a while, you will know that I made this decision 6 months ago and have had a period of...
Autumn’s Promise
Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we have just passed the autumnal or fall equinox and are now moving into the autumn months. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you're moving into your spring months and this post will be more relevant in 6 months time. Isn't...