Photo of Bindi Shad

Hi I’m Bindi!

I’m a meditation guide, life coach, poet, healer and I listen deeply to my soul’s journey. Welcome to my blog posts on my learning through this thing called life!

Love, Bx

A lesson in Self-Care from politics

A lesson in Self-Care from politics

The political scene is very buoyant in the UK at the moment - we can definitely say this for the rest of the world too! In the UK, there have been a few weeks of conferences and last week was the Prime Minister, Theresa May's conference speech. During this speech, she...

Divine Timing

Divine Timing

I have been thinking about divine timing this last week. I am working on the Operations Manual of my business. I tried to do this last year, but it didn't work. I was in the midst of transition in my business. I was changing from a physical, in-person business where...

I am enough

I am enough

I am enough... This is my favourite affirmation. I use this a lot and recommend it to my clients. I am enough... It means that you are always enough... even when you don't feel it, when your critical self comes to the fore, when others de-value you. It can be hard for...

Claim Your Name

Claim Your Name

Oh wonderful souls, I have a new e-class on Skillshare. It is very dear to my heart and relates to this website change of If you have been following me over the years, you'll know that my company is called Anamaya. This was also my website name until 2...